#4 Our First Program | Python Course From Zero To Hero.

Day 4 - Our First Program

Today we will write our first ever python program from scratch. It will consist of a bunch of print statements.
print can be used to print something on the console in python

Quick Quiz ?

Write a program to print a poem in Python. Choose the poem of your choice and publish your repl

The Quiz

print("---Your poem here---")

Please make sure you attempt this. Might be easy for some of you but please finish each and every task

Now, in Main.Py Using Some Basic Level Syntax By python.

print("Hello World", 7)

In Above code

We have Used that the Basic python syntax is Print by which usin brackets and apostrophe.
In Output It shows in that bracket what we had written it will be Displayed. Also in 4th Line we had used numbers and done the multiplication in Output it will display the anwer of 17*13

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